001 | [000012784059] |
002 | [12784059] |
007/00 | Text |
008/35-37 | {008/35-37} |
020 | 978-979-1164-14-6 |
022 | |
041 | eng |
090 | (800) Kesustraan |
100 | Muhammad Fathi |
110 | |
111 | |
245 | The Art Of Leadershif In Islam |
250 | Cetakan ke - 1 |
260 | |
265 | |
300 | 394, 15,5 x 24.5 cm |
310 | |
321 | |
350 | |
362 | |
490 | |
500 | |
502 | |
504 | |
506 | |
515 | |
518 | |
520 | |
528 | |
525 | |
533 | |
534 | |
536 | [Bantuan Kemenag RI 2011] |
546 | |
590 | [] |
591 | |
592 | [] |
593 | [] |
650 | |
653 | |
700 | |
710 | |
711 | |
850 | Perpustakaan Pusat STAI Muara Bulian |
851 | |
852 | Perpustakaan Pusat STAI Muara Bulian, Rak 800 |
900 |
- Availability
- Digital Files
- Member's Review
- Cover
- Abstract
Call Number | Barcode Number | Availability |
(800) Kesustraan | 12784059 | TERSEDIA |
Digital Files: 0 |
Member's Review: |
No review available for this collection: 1424 |
No abstract available for this collection