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To hold the search for documents, wrote keywords documents (title, author, the subject or a summary) to find and press ' enter' or click search. System next to show the documents that suitable for the keyword given.
By default system using boolean OR, if you would find the containing all the words, use AND boolean. Besides AND and OR, searching also can use NOT. To search boolean, writing AND, OR and NOT need to be with capital letters. The other search methode is 'fuzzy query', by appending ~ character at the end of words and 'wildcard query' with * and ? (question mark). The search did not case sensitive, so 'chemical engineering' and 'CHEMICAL ENGINEERING' will produce the same output.
chemical engineering
Looking for all documents containing the word chemical or engineering
chemical OR engineering
Looking for all documents containing the word chemical or engineering
chemical AND engineering
Find all documents that included the word 'chemical' and 'engineering' was in one document
chemical NOT engineering
Find all documents that included the word 'chemical' not contain 'engineering'
"chemical engineering"
Find all documents that included the word 'chemical engineering'
Find the document contain a similar to 'chemical'
Find all documents that included the word starts with 'net'
judul: net*
Find the document title containing the words starts with 'net'
pengarang: har~
Find the document author contain a similar 'har'
judul: univ* AND pengarang: har~
Looking for all documents called start with said 'univ' and author containing the word similar 'har'
Search title, an example 'judul: management'
Search author, an example 'pengarang: james'
Search publisher, an example 'penerbitan: 2015'
Search subject, an example 'subjek: computer'
Category can be combined with a method of search, so it can be said of the search made complex, as:
'judul: data AND pengarang: budi~ AND penerbit: depok OR penerbit: salemba NOT pengolahan'
'judul: data AND pengarang: budi~ AND penerbit: depok OR penerbit: salemba NOT pengolahan'
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